Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hipster way of thinking...

Allow me to humor my self for a bit. It's been a while since I've written anything for the blog. I've got a lot of things I wanna write about, but I don't really feel like I want to work my brain so we'll get around to the more serious stuff next time.

So anyways, I've been thinking about how to go about decorating my car. For the longest time, I've had a Tsurikawa hanging off my back bumper. If you don't know what it is check it out here! I've always loved the meaning behind the thing. What it stood for and all. But my problem now is that it's all becoming too mainstream. I see them being sold online and in swap meets. Almost everyday I'm out on the road I'll see a car with one. What happened to the symbolism behind it? For it to be legit it has to be STOLEN.. That's how I and my buddies got ours. A friend of mine pointed out, we were rocking Tsurikawa's and roof racks (yes, roof racks, cross bars and what not.. but that's a story for another day) years before they became mainstream. Of course, we're not claiming to have started the trend or anything, it's just that before, it was cool when only our little circle knew about these things. That when you see another guy out there rocking a Tsurikawa, you know he's part of that brotherhood of hardcore Japanese Nostalgics. Back then, no body knew what that little thing hanging off my bumper was. In fact that blog entry (linked above) I wrote a year ago explaining what it is the second most viewed entry in this blog (next to the one about the SK Racing Carbs) and most of the hits come from google searches about people looking up the meaning of what a Tsurikawa is. Even one year ago it used to be that obscure.

My youngest sister (I believe) is a hipster. I'm sure, and a real one at that- in the sense that supposedly no real hipster would EVER allow themselves to be branded as hipster. A crazy bunch those kids are, and I've never really understood them until I saw Tsurikawas being sold online for 50 pesos each.

I guess it was really bound to catch on. So, the question is.. What to do now?


  1. I recently told a friend of mine about that Tsurikawa of yours, but he was more interested in having Domo-kun hang off the rear bumper of his Honda Accord :P

    1. There's a car over here that's got a Bondage themed Winned the Pooh hanging from his back bumper, complete with Gag and harness with his hands cuffed above his head. :D

  2. that is why im not putting my tsurikawa anymore. we had those things and the racks before it was mainstream. we also had the colored rims, and the whole rat thing too. we were just trying to be different. and we succeeded in doing so. we/our cars have character, and we became known for it.

    and i (and some too) got bashed for being so, and doing so. but now, they rock those things too. lol.

    1. Yeah, I was just thinking if I'll keep rocking the green wheels to change color to something else...
